God so loved the world that He gave.
John 3:16
Jesus tells us in Matthew 6:24, we simply cannot serve two masters. Cheerfully giving places Jesus as our primary and only focus and material belongings and wants become submissive. We know giving changes lives and allows us to invest in eternity. You can be obedient today by giving online. There is no other person, business or charitable organization with more potential to change the world than the local church!
Ways To Give
Here are some easy ways to support our church.
Give Online
Between paying bills, running errands, and remembering birthdays and anniversaries, giving can easily get put on the back burner.
The truth is, it doesn’t have to be this way. You can literally schedule your next gift in two minutes. Go ahead, give it a go; it is both very secure and easy to set up.

Text To Give
“Text any amount to 84321 to give*” That’s all the information you need to get started. Setup takes about two minutes, tops. After that, donating is as simple as sending a text. To change payment method simply text the word “stop” to 84321 and that will allow a change in payment method on your next contribution. It’s the easiest, most spontaneous way to donate!

Give In Person
During weekly Sunday assembly, we offer a traditional giving format. After the Lord’s Supper, we pass baskets throughout the assembly to take contribution. Simply place your cash or checks into the basket as it is passed through your aisle.
You can also mail checks to Northview Church of Christ at 2615 Amity Hill Road, Statesville, NC 28677
Yes. In many ways giving online is safer than writing a check because an electronic gift cannot be lost or stolen. We also use Stripe as our payment processor. Stripe has been audited by a PCI-certified auditor and is certified to PCI Service Provider Level 1. This is the most stringent level of certification available in the payments industry and Stripe is trusted by some of the world’s largest businesses and non-profits .
- Cash & Check – These “more traditional” methods of giving are always welcomed. You can provide cash or check giving via our weekly Sunday collection. You can also give via check by mailing donations to Northview Church of Christ – 2615 Amilty Hill Road – Statesville, NC 28677
- Credit & Debit Card – Stripe accepts all major credit and debit cards.
- ACH bank transfer – Bank transfer, eCheck/ACH, donations are supported by Planning Center Giving. Donors can set it up and manage their connected accounts themselves.
- Text message – Text-to-Give is convenient and simple way to give. This feature allows you to send a donation using a simple text message!
There are fees involved in any online giving platform. However we give you the option to “cover these fees” within the platform. This decision is up to you, but most online donors cover the fee to pay for this convenience. Processing fees are as follows. For larger and reocurring donations, the ACH bank transfer has the lowest fees.
- 2.3% + $0.30/donation for all credit & debit card donations
- $0.25 per ACH bank transfer donation
Yes. The system allows you the option of either making a one-time contribution or setting up a recurring contribution. For recurring contributions, you can select the regularity (weekly, every other week, monthly and twice-monthly). You can even select the day of the week you want to the contribution to occur and the specific date to start. Its all in your control!
Yes. You can change or cancel your contribution at any time before the date of your next contribution. Simply log in to the system using your user name and password and make the necessary changes in the system.
Yes. You will receive an email receipt upon each successful online donation. You can also retrieve donation history by reviewing your online profile. You will have immediate access to your donation history and have the ability to download and print your donation log at any time you chose. At this time, there is not a way to see your donation history for gifts given in the form of cash or check.
Your initial contribution can take up to 7 days to process. After that, contributions will be taken from your specified bank account within 2-5 business days. If the date of your contribution falls on a weekend or a holiday, the transaction will be initiated on the next banking day.
Modern web browsers like Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and IE 11+ are supported.
For any questions, concerns or comments about the online giving system, please contact Northview Church of Christ at finance@nvchurchofchrist.com or office@nvchurchofchrist.com. You will receive a response from our staff as soon as possible