What To Expect

Welcome to Northview!


We have a joyful, diverse and God-loving body of believers. Our greeters will warmly welcome you and get you headed in the right direction. If you have questions prior to attending, contact us!


Prior to assembly each Sunday, we offer a wide variety of specialized Bible Studies. From Adults and Teen studies to our NVKIDZ Children’s Ministry, we have a place you will feel comfortable. This is a great time to study, pray and get to know new people in a small group setting.


Christ is the head of His church and under Christ each local congregation is led by appointed Elders responsible for shepherding the church family (Acts 14:23). Our Elders are wise, loving disciples of Christ. They would love to meet you and welcome you to Northview.

Simple, Encouraging Worship


When we gather together, the Spirit of God is present among us and we believe that the only appropriate response to that gift is to sing the praises of our God! You will likely notice that our worship is different than many churches – we sing accapella! This just means that we don’t use instruments, which is the common practice of Churches of Christ.


We pray often during our service praising God and asking for his continued blessing on us, our neighbors and the world. Our goal is that the Kingdom of Heaven would come on Earth as it is in Heaven – so that’s what we pray for!


Each Sunday, we practice our participation in the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ by taking of the Lord’s Supper. We believe that it is at the table that we are reminded of who we are in Christ and, so, we practice communion every week to receive that blessing.


Hearing a lesson from God’s Word is always edifying. We hear about God’s Cosmic Story and the ways that we have been invited to participate in that story as followers of Jesus. All of our sermons are recorded, so feel free to check out additional messages on our media page or on the Northview app.


Each Sunday, participants will have the opportunity to partake in a free-will offering. Generally this is for those who have committed to being a part of Northview’s body, in order to support church functions and outreach. As our guest, we do not expect or ask you to give, but if you want to give, we offer alternative methods of giving for your convenience.


Children are always welcome in our gatherings! We know that they are a gift from God and that we have a responsibility to help them to come to know the Lord. Because of this, we offer Children’s Worship during the sermon each Sunday. We also have a nursery that is staffed during our Sunday gatherings.

Assembly Schedule

Bible Study


9:00am - 9:45am

Morning Worship


10:00am - 11:00am

Connect Groups


Various Times

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